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For 6 years, Steve trained and prepared soldiers at Ft. Carson Army Base in Colorado Springs, CO. As a FACT certified trainer, Steve applies scientific knowledge to physically train military, fire and rescue, law enforcement, protective services, and other emergency personnel to improve performance, promote wellness, and decrease injury risk. At MAP, we conduct physical testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs. 

Steve Morgan Demonstrates Tactical Sled Pulls
at the NSCA Headquarters

Tactical Sled Pulls

Tactical Training Demonstrations

Fireman's Carry
Fireman's Carry
The Drag
The Drag
Using the Yoke
Using the Yoke
Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Tactical Sled Pulls


" Steve Morgan by far was the 404th biggest supporter.  Spending countless hours helping us create a program that not only would be successful, but survive the constant changing of the Army.  Steve is a one of a kind trainer who not only motivates, but also inspires Soldiers to strive in their career and personnel lives.  Without Steve's support, the 404th ASB Reconditioning Physical Readiness Training program would never have been so successful.  Steve not only knows all aspects of physical fitness he also knows the military better than any strength and conditioning coach I have ever met.  Steve inspired hundreds of Soldiers in the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade alone, and in my opinion, is the hardest working and most passionate people in the HPOP program.

SGT Jacob Maynard

404th ASB, 4thID


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